04/12 07:44
The priestesses in Drefia are preparing a black celebration.
04/12 06:23
Darashia is being overwhelmed by Diabolic beings!
04/12 06:20
The undead are attacking Darashia!
04/12 06:11
Sightings of undead, west of Darashia! Imminent invasion is suspected!
04/12 04:38
There are dragons rising in Draconia!
04/12 02:03
Gargoyle attack inside of Ankrahmun Rahemos tomb!
04/12 02:03
There is something stony moving down in the Ankrahmun Rahemos tomb.
04/12 00:30
There's strange seismic activity coming from the Kazordoon mines.
03/12 20:56
Orcs are attacking Rookgaard!
03/12 20:55
Rookgaard is overrun with orcs!
03/12 20:53
Orcs in Rookgaard have been seen moving in large groups.
03/12 18:18
Let da mashing begin! Cyclops riot east of Thais!
03/12 17:47
Rat Plague in Thais!
03/12 15:45
Zomba, the king of lions is roaming the Darashia desert!
03/12 15:44
Even more lions west of Darashia!