15/01 16:14
Creatures of the forrest have increased in numbers close to Ab'Dendriel!
15/01 13:08
Gargoyle attack inside of Ankrahmun Rahemos tomb!
15/01 13:08
There is something stony moving down in the Ankrahmun Rahemos tomb.
15/01 06:42
Pillage and plunder! Pirates have been sighted north of Darashia!
15/01 02:36
Terramites north of Ankrahmun!
15/01 02:34
Something is moving under the surface in the sand north of Ankrahmun!
15/01 01:01
The priestesses in Drefia are preparing a black celebration.
15/01 00:40
More heroes needed to save Ankrahmun from the fire!
15/01 00:35
Dragons are invading Ankrahmun! Fire everywhere!
15/01 00:30
Dragon fire has been seen nearing the city of Ankrahmun! Flee the city at once!
14/01 22:58
Orcs attacking Carlin from the north-east!
14/01 22:57
Some Orcs are assembling in the woods between Carlin and Northport.
14/01 22:26
Many aggressive canines spotted roaming south of Ab'Dendriel! Take care!
14/01 17:50
Orcs are attacking Rookgaard!
14/01 17:49
Rookgaard is overrun with orcs!