29/01 15:43
Svargrond is under attack!
29/01 15:43
Some invaders might try to access Svargrond via the ice to the North.
29/01 15:43
Rival barbarians gathering near Svargrond
29/01 15:30
Ferumbras has returned to his citadel once more. Stop him before its too late.
29/01 15:27
Ferumbras return is at hand. The Edron Academy calls for Heroes to fight that evil.
29/01 15:21
The seals on Ferumbras old cidatel are glowing. Prepare for HIS return mortals.
29/01 10:33
Gargoyle attack inside of Ankrahmun Rahemos tomb!
29/01 10:33
There is something stony moving down in the Ankrahmun Rahemos tomb.
29/01 10:02
Creatures of the forrest have increased in numbers close to Ab'Dendriel!
29/01 08:15
Hunters roaming looking for targets north of the Green Claw Swamp.
29/01 07:44
Cave guardians are invading the mines of Narnia. Take cover!
29/01 05:40
Bonebeasts have taken over Ankrahmun Dipthrah tomb!
29/01 05:40
Increased number of Bonebeasts are rattling down in the Ankrahmun Dipthrah tomb!
29/01 04:38
Many aggressive canines spotted roaming south of Ab'Dendriel! Take care!
29/01 03:09
The Rotworm queen has been spotted!