01/02 11:10
The gates of Venore are under attack!
01/02 11:06
Elves have surrounded Venore!
01/02 11:04
A large clan of elves have been sighted headed towards the gates of Venore!
01/02 10:33
Let da mashing begin! Cyclops riot east of Thais!
01/02 07:16
Ancient scarabs are making their final push towards Ankrahmun.
01/02 07:15
Ancient scarab reinforcements have arrived to attack Ankrahmun.
01/02 07:14
Ancient scarabs are leading an attack on Ankrahmun.
01/02 07:13
Unusual frequent scarab sightings at the gates of Ankrahmun
01/02 05:12
Rookgaard is covered in dragonfire run for your lives!
01/02 05:09
The dragons have landed take cover inside the city!
01/02 05:09
Dragons seen flying towards Rookgaard. It's advised to stay within the city walls!
01/02 03:07
Dangerous Quara emerged from the sea to attack Liberty Bay!
01/02 03:06
Numerous Quara fins have been sighted in the seas around Liberty Bay.
01/02 03:05
Something is moving in the depths of the sea around Liberty Bay
01/02 02:34
Creatures of the forrest have increased in numbers close to Ab'Dendriel!