10/11 10:05
Rookgaard is covered in dragonfire run for your lives!
10/11 10:02
The dragons have landed take cover inside the city!
10/11 10:02
Dragons seen flying towards Rookgaard. It's advised to stay within the city walls!
10/11 02:03
Goblins are converging west of Edron!
10/11 00:30
Giant Cobras overflow inside of Ankrahmun Dipthrah tomb!
10/11 00:30
There's something sizzling in the Ankrahmun Dipthrah tomb.
09/11 20:22
Cave guardians are invading the mines of Narnia. Take cover!
09/11 19:54
Ancient scarabs are making their final push towards Ankrahmun.
09/11 19:53
Ancient scarab reinforcements have arrived to attack Ankrahmun.
09/11 19:52
Ancient scarabs are leading an attack on Ankrahmun.
09/11 19:51
Unusual frequent scarab sightings at the gates of Ankrahmun
09/11 04:07
Let da mashing begin! Cyclops riot east of Thais!
09/11 02:06
The barbarians are preparing for a final assault on Svargrond. Hide or fight!
09/11 02:05
The barbarians attacks on Svargrond are becoming more and more fierce!
09/11 02:03
Raiders are attacking Svargrond!